Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, How does your garden grow? {Evansville, IN Child Photography}

One of the pleasures of my job is seeing kids grow up before my eyes. Miss M has grown into a beautiful young lady. Here’s a sneak peak for her parents.

Mr. B

Mr. B is one of my most favorite guys. I’ve photographed him since he was a newborn. He is always stylin’ and smilin’. Here he is with his biggest fans.

Patience \ˈpā-shən(t)s\

13th century
1: the capacity, habit, or fact of being patient

God is teaching me patience; I don’t come by it naturally.
I had a wonderful time in Michigan but came back to some busy, rainy surprises. I’d love to work on and share all the images from the workshop. Michigan was rainy too but so inspiring and rejuvenating. The little models were so cute. These little girls were wearing my fav: Matilda Jane. The last little one made me miss my two. She’s signing “PLEASE” She wanted more cookies.
Here’s a couple for now…