Party Wall Agreement Cost

Party Wall Agreement Cost: What You Need to Know

If you`re planning on carrying out any work that affects a shared wall between you and your neighbors, then you may need to enter into a Party Wall Agreement. This legal document protects both parties during the construction process and outlines the obligations and responsibilities of each party. However, one thing that often comes up is the cost involved in obtaining a Party Wall Agreement.

What is a Party Wall Agreement?

In a nutshell, a Party Wall Agreement is a legal document that is drawn up between two parties who share a wall or boundary. It outlines the proposed work, such as building a new boundary wall or working on an existing shared wall, and includes a detailed description of the work to be undertaken. It also outlines the provisions made for dealing with any damages that arise during the construction process.

Why do you need a Party Wall Agreement?

A Party Wall Agreement is required by law in many cases in order to protect the interests of both you and your neighbor. Not only does it establish the rights and responsibilities of each party, but it also ensures that both parties are aware of the work being carried out and can plan accordingly. It can also help to avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings that may arise during the construction process.

The Cost of a Party Wall Agreement

The cost of obtaining a Party Wall Agreement can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the project, the location of the property, and the number of neighbors involved. Typically, the costs associated with obtaining a Party Wall Agreement are borne by the person carrying out the work.

It`s important to note that the cost of obtaining a Party Wall Agreement should be factored into your overall budget when planning a construction project. In some cases, the cost of obtaining a Party Wall Agreement may be relatively low, such as for minor works such as installing fixtures or carrying out repairs. However, for larger projects such as building new structures or major renovations, the cost can be significantly higher.

In general, the cost of a Party Wall Agreement is split into two parts: the costs of the surveyor(s) and the fees associated with the drafting of the agreement. Surveyor fees can vary widely depending on the surveyor`s qualifications and experience, as well as the location of the property. The fees for drafting the agreement may also vary depending on the complexity of the project.


Obtaining a Party Wall Agreement is an important step in protecting your interests and avoiding any disputes with your neighbors during a construction project. While the cost of obtaining a Party Wall Agreement can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, it`s important to factor these costs into your overall budget when planning a construction project. By doing so, you can help ensure that your project runs smoothly and without any unforeseen costs or surprises.